Pizza time! I really enjoy making my own pizza so I again ordered pizza dough from Arganica (a food delivery company). Pizzas are a great medium to be as creative as you want or be as simple as you want depending on your mood. This time I was definitely in more of a creative mood. I had this interesting roasted zucchini pesto recipe sitting around that I've been wanting to try out. I figured this would be a perfect opportunity to use it, making it for the sauce of the pizza. Then I rummaged around in my fridge and decided to use cheese, tomatoes, and potatoes as the toppings. And voila just like that homemade "gourmet" pizza. Though this one did not turn out well enough that I would put it on a menu. My pizza making still needs some more practice.
Recipe Links: Roasted Zucchini Pesto
Recipe Links: Roasted Zucchini Pesto