I've made a few diaper cakes for friends' baby showers as both a decoration and a present. They are fun to decorate and usually are a hit with parents and guests. Here is a final result.
The basis for my diaper cakes is from this video which also shows how to make rose decorations out of washcloths but this is a better overall cake video with the same basics.
The cake "ingredients" includes ribbons, rubber bands, double sided tape, a tray, cake pans in three sizes, and diapers. For the diapers I usually use a small bag of each of N, 1, and 2 sizes for a 4 layer cake, or a small bag each of 1 and 2 sizes for a 3 layer cake.
For the cake "filling" you can go simple and just use more diapers and a paper towel roll like in the videos, but I like to put more gifts in the middle which requires cloth filling materials such as burp cloths, swaddles, onesies, hats, bibs and a tall item such as a large baby shampoo, lotion, bottle of alcohol, diaper wipes.
For the cake "icing" and "garnish" you will need a bunch of small items that can be tucked in between the diapers and fit on the cake layers such as socks, shoes, pacifiers, mittens, and washcloths. And lastly you need a larger toy or item for the cake topper.
I highly recommend looking through the parent's baby registry to select what items you use as this way you know you are adding things they want. If they have a theme you can try to match the cake to that theme. My friends S&S had a fox theme so I ended up venturing onto Etsy for fox themed items.
Basic ingredients |
Middle layer still in the cake pan |
The various layers |
Champagne bottle center |
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Two Diaper wipes with swaddles center |
Then you decorate! I find easy items to tuck into the cake are socks and mittens (which can be tucked into the ribbon), pacifiers, and then the washcloth roses made by just rolling a washcloth up. You can also hang things off the ribbon such as toys or shoes or stuffed animals. See my below cakes for ideas.
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Pacifier and socks | Washcloth rose |
My diaper cake creations:
There is also lots of other fun diaper creations out there on the internet. Have fun!
Diaper Daisies | ![]() Diaper Roses |
Diaper Castle |